My work A not so curated collection of pixels, bits, and bytes. Round-a-Bout The Long Night Life is Hard and Then You Buy a Cactus Frogbert: Road to Culinary Stardom Terrae Renderer, path tracer Banned Word Tracker A Discord bot and associated web services built to ban unicode-confusable words of a server's choosing. Build mostly with Python Doom Fire Hierarchical Modeling CS488 Final Project CS488 Raytracer (A4) Displacement-mapped Sphere Displacement-mapped Sphere Diablo-style Wing Winter Snow Effect Diablo-style Resource Orbs Midpoint Displacement Terrain Dynamic Voronoi Diagram Meta Regular N-gons Metaballs Distance Field Raymarching Simple Ray Marcher Simple Ray Tracer Terrae Rasa A side-on crafting and exploration game written in Java. Created to explore OpenGL for the first time and to play with procedural generation. It's not pretty. Legend of M My first real project: a top-down block puzle game styled after the Legend of Zelda. Written entirely in QBasic.